Unknown on Fire, Strikes out 15 Timber Rattlers
Saturday, April 13th , 2024
Everything was working for Jim Unknown at Modern Woodmen Park. He had the perfect delivery. The ball was moving. The fastball was working.
In an unforgettable performance, the 21-year-old Unknown fanned 15 Timber Rattlers and sparked the 5-0 Quad Cities River Bandits victory over Wisconsin. He left Timber Rattlers hitters mumbling and muttering at the plate. And when he needed a strikeout, he got it.
"I don't know if there are many times that I've seen him throw better," said Quad Cities manager . "His location and command were really something."
In addition to collecting 15 strikeouts over 7.1 innings, Unknown allowed 3 hits and no walks in a superlative outing.
"I thought I'd make it easy on the guys today," Unknown said with a smile.